The Grotto of Saint John the Baptist

In the center of the island hide many attractions and natural beauty that few have knowledge about.  This is the reason why we must be addicted to discover new places and learn about its history.  This time we went to Maricao, where lies a very significant monument to those who believe in life beyond Earth.

IMG_3683We are talking about The Grotto of Saint John the Baptist, a beautiful monument located on Highway 410, km 02 in the town of Maricao. It pays homage to the image when Jesus asked His cousin John, on the bank of the Jordan River, to be baptized: “In those days, Jesus came to Nazareth and was baptized John the Baptist in the Jordan River. When Jesus came out of the water, He saw the Heaven’s open up and the Holy Spirit came down as a dove, and His words were heard by all Heaven”.  Continue reading