Christmas in Puerto Rico

December is the month that all the Puerto Ricans anxiously wait for.  There is no reason to say why however, for those who do not know the reason, to hear the word December is similar to Christmas.  Even on one of the most famous holidays, Halloween, you can find Puerto Ricans already buying Christmas decorations: the garlands to decorate the house, the lights that goes on the roof, the Christmas tree, the decorations for the tree, the decorations for inside the house, the costumes for the dogs, the hats and amongst many more things that we do not really need.  And of course, we can’t forget about the food!  Between, “chicharrones”, the pork, the turkey, the rice with pigeon beans…  In short, a feast to entertain our guests. Continue reading

Artisans in Puerto Rico

Puerto Rico is rich in culture, gastronomy, tourism and traditions.  It is the birthplace of the biggest artists, acclaimed athletes, excellent singers, illustrious people and many people recognized both nationally and globally.  But above all else, it is an Island full of talented people whose hands create a work of art.   Continue reading