The Indian Cave

In Puerto Rico, there are approximately 2,000 caves, of which only around 400 have been investigated.  With that being said, there are around thousands of hidden caves yet to be discovered and could be the beginning of a great adventure. If exploring is one of your favorite hobbies,  then we invite you to visit the Cueva del Indio, or the Indian Cave: a cave located in the town of Arecibo containing petroglyphs of our ancestors and with a view of the sea that will take your breath away.

GEDC1928It is a cave described as a sea cave since most of its structure is within the sea, making it very special.  Its interior holds many years of history and its legacy to Puerto Rican culture is indescribable.  The stone carvings were identified in the late nineteenth century, and it is declared as one of the nature reserves in Puerto Rico with the highest concentration of petroglyphs. The reason is because in the past this cave, like many others, served as a refuge for Taino Indian where they celebrated ceremonial gatherings, and sacred and mysterious rituals.

GEDC1874The Indian Cave is located on Highway #681 km 7.8 in Barrio Islote, Arecibo.  You’ll find the location because there is a sign that will lead you to the entrance to the parking lot.  Kindly be advised, it is a space on private land guarded by their owners. It costs $2.00 USD to park and $0.50 per person to go where the cave is located.

In order to see the arches, you would need to take the path to the right once you walk into the area.  You will walk through some bushes until the end of a cliff where you will see a spectacular view of the arches.  You P3202544will be able to see about 7 arches, rolling waves and watch as the sea comes together with the sky. If you enjoying walking, you can venture from arc to another and explore the area that lies there.  Now, should it be the contrary, we recommend that you sit down and admire the stunning beauty of the Atlantic Ocean since that walk can be approximately between 15 to 20 minutes from one arch to the other.

To get to the cave, you would need to take the path to the left once you go into the area and it will take you to a hole in the limestone where the cave is located.  In order to get to the cave, you must go down a ladder about 25 feet tall.  Once inside, you can observe the different cavities that the cave has to offer: first you will countless petroglyphs, on the last one you will see holes where the waves crashes into the cave and more petroglyphs with bats.  Simply, a work of nature art!

To visit this cave is to experience a visual delight, so we highly recommend to discover this beauty!

More details:
This cave has been used on numerous occasions as a scene for recording films, such as: The Perfect Getaway, Treasure Island, Pirates of the Caribbean and Runner, Runner.  We highly recommend to wear comfortable clothing, hiking shoes, sunscreen, sunglasses, hats and water.  Please have caution when visiting the area as the area where the Indian Cave lies is dangerous because of its cliffs and there is no security monitoring visitors.  For all who visit this beautiful place, take everything back with you and do not damage the area.

To see more pictures, you can take a peek in our gallery on Pinterest HERE.





Adictos a Descubrir PR is not liable for any damages caused by performing the activities mentioned here; changes of date, time and / or place of the events; or changes in prices.  Should you have any questions, you may contact us through our social media or contact the place of interest.

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